Mobile Location Services…Not only for Cheaters

Dr. Lakisha Simmons
3 min readMar 7, 2016

Give me your mobile phone and I’ll tell you where you’ve been and how long you were there, for the past few months. When Location History is on, Apple and/or Google record your device’s movements on a map. That’s why many cheaters turn this off. I’ll show you how to stop your iPhone from recording your every move, literally, even if you not a cheater. So let’s explore your mobile phone’s location analytics.

Does anyone care about privacy anymore? If you want to keep your whereabouts off the grid start here’s to see if your tracking is on:


1. On your iPhone go to Settings

2. Scroll down and click on Privacy (the icon with the hand)

3. Touch the first option Location Services

4. Scroll to the bottom and choose System Services

5. Scroll down and choose Frequent Locations

6. Click an item in the History section. Notice your arrival and departure times at the location has been recorded.


1. On your Android phone go to Settings

2. Location (Android devices vary greatly so dig around until you find it)

3. Google Location History

4. You can choose to view history for 1 day to 30 days.

Do you recognize the addresses on the Map, especially the one labeled Home? Now assess the benefits of the frequent location services app analytics. For example, automatic commuter predictions and improved search results are pretty handy. But what about the disadvantages?

As a person in technology, I’m always curious about the many different views on information privacy. I am sure there are some parents who feel safer knowing their child’s whereabouts and routines are documented. But others may feel violated. How do you feel about this type of mobile analytics?

If you don’t like “Big Brother” watching your every move, turn off the location services. But is it really off?

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Dr. Lakisha Simmons

Assoc. Prof of MIS, Author, The Unlikely AchieveHer, Blogger at, @drkishasimmons, CEO Nashville Period Project